從長期規劃角度來看,天然氣只是過渡性的能源 過渡到可再生能源 From a long-term planning perspective, natural gas is only a transitional energy. The transition is towards renewable energies. …
從長期規劃角度來看,天然氣只是過渡性的能源 過渡到可再生能源 From a long-term planning perspective, natural gas is only a transitional energy. The transition is towards renewable energies. …
野火會對各種永續發展目標(SDG)產生重大影響: 永續發展目標1 – 無貧窮:野火會摧毀房屋和基礎設施,使人們流離失所,並加劇受影響社區的貧窮。 Wildfires destroy homes and infrastructure, displacing people and exacerbating poverty in affected communities, undermining SDG 1 …
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